Frequently Asked Questions


A transaction is one of your customer‘s activities specific to your industry. Examples for financial institutions would be a deposit or withdrawal, for remitters a transfer or reciept of funds, for crypto exchanges a fiat or crypto trade.

A rule is a specification on how to evaluate a transaction or set of transations specific to your industry. Examples include Excessive Cash Transactions, Change In Behaviour, Fast Money Movement and Aggregate Amounts by Employment type.

Your AML platform will continue to work. We will simply contact you to ask if you would like to upgrade to the next plan or require a custom pricing solution that suits your business needs.

Our pricing does not include unnecessary software licensing costs and is simply a modest mark up on the cloud computing expenses that are required to process your transactions.

The term is simply month-to-month with no lock in contract term.

There is no limit on the number of user accounts that can be created for your AML compliance team.S

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Yes. All of the transactions and rules within your sandboxes and production instances are included in your company‘s subscription plan.

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